What plants are commonly found in India?

India is a country with a rich diversity of flora and fauna, with many different types of ecosystems ranging from tropical rainforests to alpine meadows. Some of the common plants found in India include:

  1. Mango trees – India is famous for its mangoes, and mango trees are a common sight in many parts of the country.
  2. Neem trees – Neem trees are native to India and are widely grown for their medicinal properties.
  3. Banyan trees – These large, spreading trees are a symbol of the Indian subcontinent and are often found in parks and public spaces.
  4. Teak trees – Teak is a valuable hardwood that is widely grown in India and used for furniture and other purposes.
  5. Peepal trees – These large, shade-giving trees are considered sacred in Hinduism and are often found near temples and other religious sites.
  6. Tulsi plants – Tulsi, or holy basil, is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine and is widely grown in India for its medicinal properties.
  7. Hibiscus plants – These beautiful flowering plants are popular in gardens and are also used in traditional medicine.
  8. Coconut palms – Coconut palms are a common sight in coastal areas of India and are an important source of food and other products.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of plants that are found in India.

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