Green village rating system

Written by : lokesh

India is the country of villages there are more than four lakh village and small village in India. Rural part of India. Rural part of india is considered village.

Once there is development in village. Whole India get developed. Because 60% of the population stay in the village. Green village rating system is the good rating system. which is developed for sustainable development of village. during assessment of green village rating some of the creation are assessed as follows.

a. Energy efficiency

b. water efficiency

c. Renewal energy

d. Health and well-being

e. Cleaning and sanitation

f. Innovation and other.

For green village development and rating we start with the gap analysis. To review performance of village as per green village standard code and we recommend number of areas of improvement and number of areas of improvement and recommendation for observation. for continual of the village infrastructure and amenities for villages.

By implementing green building rating concept village get lots of benefits. Some of the benefits are follows :- Infrastructure 1) Village get faster improvement and new infrastructure development.

2) world class Recongniton .3) consultancy and guidelines for improvement.

4) technical expert advice and recommendation.

5) Better amenities of villages .

6) Quality of life improvement in villages.

7) Global best practices.

8) Health and hygience improvements.

9) Self rellient for energy and water needs.

10) Overall sustainable development of village.

If you want technical knowledge about how to do that for consultancy project contact six sigma quality international Mumbai. at info at and info and for rating assistance. kindly contact international green building council. at in info @

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