GReen smart cities

Cities are dynamic and complex by their very nature. The future liveability, vibrancy and sustainability of our cities is challenged by multiple factors including population growth, natural resource constraints and climate change.

At the same time, established and emerging areas of research are converging. This together with broad technology adoption and sophisticated analysis and prediction tools create exceptional opportunities to achieve huge advances for our cities and our communities.

Smart Green Cities was established to address these challenges and capture the best these opportunities offer.

How we operate

We take an integrated approach and build cross-discipline, collaborative partnerships between academia, government and industry to find research driven, evidence-based solutions to create liveable smart green cities for the future.

Operating as a collaborative hub, our members can engage across our networks through research and development, consulting, education, training and advocacy.

We achieve this through;

  • Innovative Research: we develop transformative and agile research to meet the dynamic needs of our external partners and beyond.
  • Research Partnerships: we facilitate collaborative partnerships to deliver solutions for social, environmental and economic impact
  • Capacity Building: we provide opportunities to develop networks, knowledge and skills to maximize impact and increase commercialisation opportunities.


The Centre has developed a new initiative to showcase Macquarie’s investment in state-of-the-art facilities, allowing our external partners (industry, government and investors) to experience first hand some of the innovative technologies being developed on campus. It     aims to provide current and prospective partners a deeper understanding of the breadth of our experience, forging broader relationships and initiating new research projects in the area of Smart Green Cities


More than 70 per cent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. The rate and pace of urbanisation is changing the shape and composition of our cities – putting major pressures on our biodiversity, water and energy resources, infrastructure, human health and wellbeing.

At the same time, there are exciting opportunities emerging in information and communication technologies that will transform how we monitor and manage complex systems, assets and infrastructure. As well, new approaches to finance and governance systems have the potential to further drive transformation in our cities.

Macquarie University’s Smart Green Cities was established to bring together the brightest minds across research, industry and government to address these challenges and capture the best these opportunities offer, building the foundations for healthy, resilient and liveable cities for the future.

There has never been a better time to transform the way cities are imagined, planned, and constructed

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Green smart cities

Green smart cities Courtesy : Green areas can be integrated into the architecture of smart cities, even where space is at a premium. For example, in Sydney, Australia, One Central Park

green smart xcities

Courtesy : Green smart cities Green spaces must be a core part of smart cities to truly change the world. Incorporating plant life, recreational spaces, parks and other greenery

Green smart cities

Courtesy : Green smart cities A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data. Information gained from that data is used to manage assets, resources