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Green product

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Green product

In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history.

This and other eco facts like

…has drawn great attention of the end consumer towards green products and their benefits. Called the green generation, these consumers are more inclined to “going green”; they believe in making decisions that are environmentally friendly and use products that are sustainable and cause very less or no pollution.

What’s more surprising is how fast this market is rising. A study from 2015 says that 73% of the consumers across 60 countries are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

This makes it more important for entrepreneurs and other business enthusiasts to know more about what is the green product, what are its benefits and challenges, and how do you build one. Well, here’s a detailed article to answer most of your questions.

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What Is A Green Product?

A green product is a sustainable product designed to minimize its environmental impacts during its whole life-cycle and even after it’s of no use.

Green products are usually identified by having two basic goals – reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. They are manufactured using toxic-free ingredients and environmentally-friendly procedures and are certified by recognized organizations like Energy star, Forest Stewardship Council, etc.

Some of the characteristics of a green product are:

In the usual scenario, brands producing green products use green marketing to communicate their value proposition to the market.

Advantages Of Green Products

Advantages Of Going Green To The Brands

Advantages Of Going Green To The Customers


Advantages Of Going Green To The Society

Challenges Green Products Face

Examples Of Green Products

Tesla Electric Cars

In an era when the transport industry failed to reduce its carbon footprint significantly, Tesla came out as the poster child of electric cars revolution. Unlike conventional cars, electric cars (EVs) produced by Tesla had highly efficient electric motors which run on clean energy.

The company has a loyal customer base and a market share of 2% in the US automotive market. Even though it’s a green product the demand is much higher than the supply.

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