Green home

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What are green homes? Why should you care about whether or not the apartment you’re living in, or thinking of buying, is part of a ‘certified’ green project? And how does a green home stand to benefit you, the user?

A green home is built not only keeping in mind our larger home, planet earth, but also your wellbeing, and construction worker health and safety. Such homes minimise the negative impact on our climate and nature, using efficient design and sustainable construction materials and processes. These are great reasons to ensure your home is certified ‘green’, but there is more – the advantages of green buildings also include reduced maintenance costs and better health and well-being for families overall.

We have all witnessed bluer skies and clearer air during the lockdown. While the benefits of green buildings might not be quite as obvious at first, there are various advantages that build up with time. Homes use energy and materials for construction. A green building ensures efficient use of energy and resources through demand reduction using passive architectural techniques; the use of recycled water; low VOC materials for better air quality; better ventilation; the use of vegetation to nurture the microclimate; groundwater recharging; and waste management, etc. Green homes thus make it possible for residents to accrue benefits over the lifetime of the product. Tangible benefits include property tax rebates.

Green buildings are designed to be efficient in terms of how they channel natural light and wind into homes, thereby requiring less artificial lighting and cooling and resulting in reduced electricity usage and therefore, cost. Green residential projects with efficient water management and recycling systems help reduce water wastage and water bills. The typical features of such homes include water-efficient fixtures, power-saving LEDs, solar street lighting, STP for wastewater recycling, organic waste converter and advanced rainwater harvesting infrastructure for groundwater recharge. The health benefits of green buildings are a direct result of better natural lighting, ventilation, indoor air quality and intuitive design for improved social harmony. Green buildings are also thermally efficient – outer facing walls reflect heat during summers to keep interiors cool.

Green homes thus have a direct bearing on the quality of life. Moreover, environmentally conscious methods such as localised sourcing of construction materials mean that these are ‘homes with a conscience’. So, the next time you’re researching for the perfect home, do ensure to ask if it’s certified green!

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Green home

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green home

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