Green deal 

Author : -MS JYOTHI valvi

                            Green deal is one of hot topic today business world .As net zero target in given to achieve upto 2050. World is doing green deal to finance mega project worldwide.

                           Recently established international so or alliance (ISI) Member countries are doing renewal energy green deals between their alliance member countries which is near 100 plus countries are doing renewal energy green deals between their alliance which include major solar park setting , hybrid renewal energy park setting , power purchase agreement between one country to another country to gain access of renewal energy, net metering ,inter continental cabling to access the energy, joint venture to access power, bylaterral agreement , multilaterral agreement to develop renewal energy infrastructure is happening worldwide.

                        The country who to get leading position is 21st century should seriously focus on green deal at government level , enterprise level as well as corporate level. There are lots of apportunities 

for green deal in short cities in development green special economic zones development (Green SEZ), green industrial corridor plaster development,green indusrial plaster development,  green terminal development, green railway station development, green part development and green building development.

                      Green deal is for sustainable development, to minimize global warming to control green house gases, to reduce the effect of climate change and for sustainable development of your country.

                    If you want more about how to do green deal and attend online and classroom training you can contact six sigma quality international ( or write to info @ and if you want rating of your organisation on green deals contact deming certification services pvt ltd (www.deming write to (info @

                     If you want start green building council ( or write to info at ( and to learn more about green deal search at

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Green deal

Green deal Courtesy : Nearly two years after the European Commission launched the European Green Deal in December 2019, the EU’s landscape has changed greatly, with the COVID-19 pandemic causing a

Green deal

Courtesy : Green deal Green New Deal (GND) proposals call for public policy to address climate change along with achieving other social aims like job creation and reducing economic inequality. The name refers back to

Green deal

Green deal Courtesy : The European Green Deal, approved 2020, is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making the European Union (EU) climate neutral in 2050.[1][2] An