Green deal

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Rapid and unprecedented transformation of the climate is underway, mostly due to the emission of greenhouse gases through activities such as transport, land use and energy. Prompt concerted action is needed, and the EU is tackling these environmental challenges through the implementation of the Green Deal, striving to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent.

The EU’s Green Deal ambitions need support from different tools. The Copernicus component of EU Space programme offers information and services as an essential contribution to the Green Data Space set up for the green and digital twin transitions. Copernicus data can support adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects in Europe and beyond. As a new component of Copernicus, the capability to monitor anthropogenic emissions of CO2 is being developed in support of the Paris Agreement.

As the world’s largest satellite Earth observation system, Copernicus services have proved to be a key asset in addressing climate change, monitoring of biodiversity, forest health and deforestation, and marine environment, providing information on soils, plants and water quality and availability, thus supporting sustainable agriculture.

This workshop will present how Copernicus services can contribute to the achievement of the EU Green Deal policy objectives and support in the monitoring of progress. The workshop aims to address the policy areas indicated in the Green Deal, how Copernicus can support implementing and monitoring these key aspects and facilitate interactions and discussions between different stakeholders.

Register here 

Recording Day 1 

Recording Day 2 – Part 1 

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