Author :- Er  Mukesh singh

Green affordable housing

                                               Green affordable housing is the dreams of a a common man of any country due to increase of price of house it is very difficult. for common man to afford quality life in metro s.

                                                Builders and  government always try to build affordable house don t focus on quality green affordable house for common man which creates havoc. in the lifestyle in urban area. Housing are becoming day-to-day narrow, carpet area is reducing day-to-day. Their is no proper ventilation ,no proper sunlight, which creates health and hygenie issues for the occupants and their quality life.

                                                For affordable green housing a builders has to create construction as per Global Green Building Council. Builders has to look energy, water efficiency usage of renewal energy and generation of solar energy and wind energy, their should be natural ventilation and natural lighting in the building. 

                                               Once government is constructing green affordable housing they should always take care during tendering process to find out green contractors, green arhitect, green material supplier, green landscape developer and many more. for more details of consultancy projects kindly contact info  and visit

                                              For green certification of your company and rating. kindly email to info @ deming and visit

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Green affordable housing

Green affordable housing Courtesy : The term “green building” is often used interchangeably with the terms “sustainable building,” “high-performance building” and “environmentally responsible building.” It is most commonly defined

The Impact of Green Affordable Housing

Green affordable housing has a significant impact on various aspects of individuals, communities, and the environment. Here are some key impacts of green affordable housing: Overall, green affordable housing combines

Green affordable housing

GGBC, Green building council,building council,Globalgreenbuildingcouncil constructing residential houses, low-income men, market rates, Rental housing, low-moderate income , Housing, green housing, local ecosystem, raw materials, wood, water usage, Social equity