Food forest

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A food forest mimics a forest edge that is planted with edible plants.

Picture all of the vertical layers of a forest growing together: Tall trees, small trees, shrubs, herbs, and ground covers. Tall, canopy trees grow inward from the edge. Correspondingly, smaller trees peek out from underneath the tall trees to catch the sun’s rays.

Shrubs step farther out into the sunshine, along with herbs, flowers, and ground covers blanketing the sunniest edge.

A typical forest edge can look a little busy. Sometimes vines grow up the trees and mushrooms grow under the tallest trees in the shade.

All of these layers of the forest stack together, each situated for sufficient sun exposure. Intertwined, they produce a vibrant, productive, low-maintenance, and relatively self-maintaining ecosystem.

A healthy forest doesn’t need humans to weed or fertilize.

An example food forest might include chestnut trees as a tall canopy tree layer. Apple trees grow below the chestnut trees. Meanwhile, currant bushes grow as an understory layer beneath the apple trees. A host of edible herbs and mushrooms grow underneath, and perhaps even grapevines use the apple trees as trellises.

Swap out my selections above for your favorite nut trees, fruit crops, and herbs to make your own system!

Berries growing in a food forest

History of the Food Forest

Managing forests for their edible benefits to humans is an ancient practice. In fact, existing ancient food forests have been found in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

As the New World was colonized, the colonists and anthropologists didn’t know that they were looking at managed systems. To them, the forests in front of them looked like untouched forest.

What we realize now, of course, is that the early hunter-gatherer societies didn’t wander around aimlessly in search of food.

In fact, they knew which areas produced which desirable foods or medicines, and at which time of year. It informed their movement.

As they moved through forest and prairies areas, they encouraged desirable plant species by cutting back the growth around them. Ultimately, giving them the space to grow abundantly helped them thrive and reproduce.

It was an early form of forest gardening.

They wouldn’t have spent a ton of time tending this space. However, the desired plants would certainly be given an advantage over other plants.

Geoff Lawton found a 2,000 year old food forest in Morrocco. Incredibly, 800 people continue to farm this desert oasis. Among other edible plants, you’ll find date palms, bananas, olives, figs, pomegranate, guava, citrus, and mulberry.

Likewise, he found a 300 year old food forest in Vietnam that has been cultivated by the same family for 28 generations.

With these ancient stories in mind, we can create vibrantly abundant perennial gardens that require less maintenance. Above all, they can be a legacy left for future generations.

This is the inspiration behind the modern food production strategy called a permaculture food forest.

Want to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your front yard landscape without sacrificing curb appeal? Check out my ebook, The Permaculture Inspired Edible Landscape.

The Benefits of an Edible Perennial Forest Garden

Perennial gardens don’t disturb the soil regularly like annual gardens do. Rather, they continually enrich soil with organic matter as leaves fall and plants die back for the winter.

Consequently, the food forest model can help to restore land, biodiversity, and habitat while creating an edible yield.

A forest is one of earth’s most stable ecosystems. In fact, when we mimic it in food production, we get all the ecological benefits of a forest PLUS food!

Apple orchard

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Food forest

Food forest Courtesy : Food forests are a relatively new addition to the mainstream edible landscaping conversation, but their cultivation is actually quite ancient. So, what are they? “Food

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Food forest

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