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Environment assessment and site selection


I like to thank Khan Ferdousour Rahman, Assistant Professor and the head of the Department of Environmental Science from the State University of Bangladesh for his kind support in designing the overall EIA study. Besides, his time to time suggestions, advice and untiring efforts encourage me in preparing this study report.

I am grateful to Mayor, Md. Fazlur Rahman and Executive Engineer Mr. Abul Hosain Khan of Moulavibazar municipality and also all other concerned officers of the municipality for their efficient efforts for organizing visits, interview and FGD discussions. I also extend my gratitude to them for supporting field level activities and also for maintaining functional coordination with the stakeholders and the local people for successful completion of the field works.

I like to give thanks to other teachers and the Librarian of the State University and LGED officials for their solicit and unselfish cooperation in preparing the report, discussions and also for their thoughtful suggestions and feedback for improvement of approaches and methodologies and preparation of the paper.

I would like to express my profound and sincere appreciation for my all colleagues and students of the Master in Environmental Science, State University of Bangladesh for their positive reception and unstinted cooperation for designing the approaches and methodologies of the study and extending support for preparation of the Paper.

I hope that, the approaches and methodologies of the study and its analytical findings will offer some unique features of “Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction of Sanitary Landfill at Moulvibazar” in Bangladesh. The findings and the lessons learnt will also help to share important information for environmental impact during construction period and operational phase of landfill construction in Moulvibazar municipal area which will also improve the overall environment of Moulvibazar municipality.

With Regards

(Abu Yousuf Muhammad Hasibul Islam)

Department of Environmental Science

State University of Bangladesh

Acronym and Abbreviations

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The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has undertaken the “Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement (Sector) Project” (UGIIP-III) with financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (ADB LOAN NR: 3142 BAN (SF) /1626 P OFID) and OFID to improve governance and urban service provision in 31 municipalities. Among 31 municipalities, the Moulvibazar is one of them, which has been proposed for construction of a sanitary landfill to improve SWMS including improving of other urban facilities under the project. This EIA defines the area where the project site is located and environmental and socio-economic baseline data is provided for this area. It provides an assessment of likely environmental impacts that may be the result of project activities as well as mitigation measures to be taken to minimize these impacts. These mitigation measures and the monitoring program, prepared for the assessment of the environmental performance of the project, are presented in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). As for the protection of fauna species, a biologist will relocate the bird nests outside the project site with the support of the local municipality. As a result of quantitative assessment of dust and noise to be generated during construction and operational phases, it has been determined that there will be no adverse impacts of dust and noise on the people living in the nearest settlement, i.e. Jagannath Pur village. Nevertheless, measures will be taken in order to reduce dust emissions. These measures include careful handling of excavated material and watering of roads in dry and windy weather conditions. Also, there will be a limitation on truck speed (i.e. 30 km/h of maximum speed) for unpaved roads. During the construction phase there will be monthly dust and noise measurements in the Jagannath Pur village in order to monitor the actual impacts of the project activities. Monitoring of noise will continue in the operational phase, according to complaints from the public in the nearest settlement. In addition to this, dust and odor will be monitored by qualitative assessment that will be conducted through interviewing local people. As per the general waste management procedures to be followed during construction and operational phases of the project, domestic solid wastes will be disposed of in the current dump site (adjacent to the proposed) until the landfill will be operational. In the operational phase, solid wastes will be disposed of in the landfill

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