At Prakati, we believe that an individual’s switch to a more sustainable lifestyle is a precursor to achieving societal sustainability and the products we use, define the core of our sustainable lifestyle. The more natural, eco friendly products we use, the more our society moves towards sustainability. Business & Companies, essentially follow & try to cater the demand of products in market. As demand, for sustainable products increase, the focus of companies & business will switch towards sustainability in response. 

Further, we further believe, curiosity & awareness are one the primary factors that influence our product choices and so is the idea behind this store section. The Eco Friendly Product Section at Prakati is a thoughtfully curated section that goes beyond the quantity matrix of listing as many products as possible. At Prakati Store, we have listed carefully selected and listed the best environment friendly products that can be sustainable alternatives to popular products that we are using today. 

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Eco-friendly products

COURTESY  : Eco-friendly products It’s high time for all of us to consider our footprint and ability to reduce the waste and its effects on the environment. This can

Eco-friendly products

Eco-friendly products Courtesy : Every year India generates 3.3 million metric tonnes per year, of which 40% remains uncollected. Where does it go, you ponder? To the landfills, which

Eco-friendly products

Eco-friendly products Courtesy : The average person in the U.S. produces about 4.9 pounds of waste each day, according to a 2018 study by the EPA — that adds up to