Green arhitect

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In today’s world, sustainable architecture is not an alien concept as people are coming closer to the environment. The concept just implies the use of environmentally conscious design techniques in the field of architecture. Buildings are designed in sustainable architecture keeping in view the sustainable development and environmental goals. The terms green buildings or green architecture are also used in place of sustainable architecture to promote the importance of sustainable architecture. Environmental experts have laid down some basic elements for a better understanding and sustainable architecture promotion.

  • Utility of small spaces: Using a huge amount of energy for heating and cooling, large houses use a lot of building materials that may have their own environmental aftermath. This is just a waste of energy, time and money and to avoid this, small houses have come into existence which not only conserves energy but unnecessary depletion of natural resources is also avoided.
  • Harnessing Solar Energy: A good solar-heated house is the perfect relaxation technique for the body and mind. Even after twilight, an ecologically designed house can give the energy of the Sun as during daytime, the surrounding thermal mass (which acts as a heat battery) absorbs the solar energy.
  • Using renewable energy sources: Using the natural powers of the Sun, wind or water, electricity can be produced and fossil fuels like methane, liquid petroleum and anthracite can be conserved.
  • Water conservation: Traditional methods of water conservation include harvesting of the rain water and gray water diversion from washing clothes & bathing to watering plants. A modern approach to water conservation includes flow restrictors at shower heads, low water capacity toilets and faucet aerators that are now being used as a part of sustainable architecture.
  • Forests preservation: Our ecosystem has been considerably ruined through extensive deforestation. So, forests conservation is the need of the hour for a healthy ecosystem and consequently sustainable development. Reduction in the negative environmental impact of the buildings is sought the most by sustainable green architecture, which can be done by increasing efficiency in the utilization of building materials, energy and development space, in the broader perspective.

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