Green railway station rating

Green railway station system is the green railway station is the unique system designed for rating railway station system all around the world . benefit of green railway station is to ensure station function as per sustainable development parameter and Global green building code. there are various types of 

rating given as per the performance of railway station on sustainable development.

     There are total marking of 100 .total mark is divided into 6 parameter which are as follows.

Sr.noparameterMaximum mark
1Sustainable station facility24
2Health hygience and sanitation20
3Energy efficiency22
4Smart and green initiatives12
5Water efficiency16
6Innovatrion and development6

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GGBC, Green building council,building council,Globalgreenbuildingcouncil •solar power, powerlines, turbine construction, diesel-powered heavy equipment, fossil fuels, hydrocarbon-based fiberglass, disposing, natural gas, nuclear-powered plant, CO2 emissions, meaningful reduction