Business engaged in environment protection

Since the quality of the environment is important for all of us, we have a collective responsibility to protect it from being spoiled. Whether it is government, business enterprises, consumers, workers, or other members of society, each one can do something to stop polluting the environment. Government can enact laws to ban hazardous products. Consumers, workers and the members of society can avoid using certain products and doing things that are not environment friendly. It is the social responsibility of every business to take steps not only to check all sorts of pollution but also to protect environmental resources.

Business enterprises are leading creators of wealth, employment, trade and technology. They also command huge financial, physical and human resources. Some of the specific steps which can be taken by business enterprises for environmental protection are as stated below:

(i) A definite commitment by top management of the enterprise to create, maintain and develop work culture for environmental protection and pollution prevention.

(ii) Ensuring that commitment to environmental protection is shared throughout the enterprise by all divisions and employees.

(iii) Developing clear-cut policies and programmes for purchasing good quality raw materials, employing superior technology, using scientific techniques of disposal and treatment of wastes and developing employee skills for the purpose of pollution control.

(iv) Complying with the laws and regulations enacted by the Government for prevention of pollution.

(v) Participation in government programmes relating to management of hazardous substances, clearing up of polluted rivers, plantation of trees, and checking deforestation.

(vi) Arranging educational workshops and training materials to share technical information and experience with suppliers, dealers and customers to get them actively involved in pollution control programmes.

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Business envoled in environment protection

COURTESY  : BUSINESS ENVOLed IN ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Protecting the environment is itself a business, and many organizations, especially nonprofits, take that as their guiding purpose. The World Wildlife Fund,

Business involved in environment protection


Role of business in environment protection

Role of business in environment protection COURTESY : Since the quality of the environment is important for all of us, we have a collective responsibility to protect it from